Presidents Day Weekend Things To Do on Staten Island NYC
Things To Do Presidents Day Weekend on Staten Island / Events
February 14, 2025 / Staten Island Neighborhoods NYC / Things To Do on Staten Island NYC / Staten Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather. The temperature highs Friday, Saturday and Sunday will range from the high 40's to the low 50's, before rising on Monday into the high 50's. The temperature lows will fall to 30 on Friday, rising to 35 on Saturday, to 45 on Sunday, before descending into the high 30's on Monday. No precipitation is forecast. It's going to be a fairly windy weekend, with the winds at 20 mph Friday, falling to 5 - 10 mph on Saturday and Sunday, and then rising again to about 10 mph on Monday. The humidity will be 50% - 60% on Friday, falling to 40% - 50% on Saturday, rising to 50% - 70% on Sunday, before falling back to about 50% on Monday. Click for Staten Island Weather.
The image at right shows a picture of the American colonial representatives, John Adams and Ben Franklin, meeting with a British general at the Conference House on Staten Island, in September of 1776, in an effort to prevent bloodshed and the American Revolutionary War. This occurred just a few months after the colonists declared their independence. And as history would have it - the British monarchy wouldn't negotiate - and five years later the American colonists had won the war.
Presidents Day is a federal holiday when all local, state and federal government offices are closed, which generally includes public schools - unless the district uses the holiday to make up a snow day, which is highly unlikely this year since there hasn't been any measureable snow.
Presidents Day is a time to reflect on the performance of our current presidents and legislators, to see how they stack up versus their historical peers. And in that reflection it's worth asking ourselves what we've done to contribute or detract from the national conversation.
Brief History of Presidents Day Holiday Staten Island NYC
A day commemorating Lincoln's birthday was first passed in Buffalo, New York in the early 1870's. Presidents Day originated as Washington's Birthday which was a holiday narrowly prescribed for federal government offices in Washington, D.C. in 1879. The holiday was dedicated to honoring the memory of the first American president, George Washington who was born on February 22, 1732.
In 1885 the holiday was expanded to include all federal government offices around the nation. In 1951 there was a push to create a Presidents Day holiday [vs a George Washington's birthday holiday] to include President Lincoln whose birthday is February 12, 1809 and was also celebrated by localities, but it didn't pass.
In 1971 the holiday was moved off of George Washington's birth date to being the third Monday in February. Thus while it never falls upon Washington's birthday 2/22, the official name of the holiday remains Washington's Birthday. But today, most folks refer to it as Presidents Day and to recognize the presidents who honored the U.S. Constitution and served the interests of the people.
- CLICK here for Staten Island - things to do Presidents Day weekend SI / events on Staten Island NYC.
Presidents Day Weekend Things To Do on Staten Island NYC
Things To Do Presidents Day Weekend on Staten Island / Events
February 14, 2025 / Staten Island Neighborhoods NYC / Things To Do on Staten Island NYC / Staten Buzz NYC. Continued.
Presidents Day Holiday Special Events on Staten Island NYC
CLICK the header above on Friday to see Presidents Day Weekend events on Staten Island NYC.
The photo at right shows a reenactment of the Civil War done at Historic Richmond Town every summer. The men are acting as Union Army soldiers from Staten Island. Staten Island is home of a fair amount of American historical sites, including Fort Wadsworth at the foot of the Verrazzano Bridge.
NEXT 4 EVENTS NEED UPDATING TO 2023 _ Presidents Day Special Events on the Staten Island NYC
The following were Presidents Day events / programs hosted in 2019, 2020 & 2022, as the pandemic turned our lives upside down. We'll update these in the first weekend of February 2023.
For 2022 the Conference House doesn't have any specific programming and they are closed on Monday 2.21.22.
2019 - 2020 OLD EVENT - On Monday at the Conference Park House Visitors Center from 11 am - 1 pm there's a Presidents Day event. On both days in both places participants will have an opportunity to work with the NYC Parks Department to improve the quality of public green space by making them cleaner, greener and healthier.
For 2022 the Staten Island Children's Museum is hosting a food program on Sunday at 11.30 am and on Monday, an African music, dance and mask making programs at 2.30 & 3.30 pm.
2019 - 2020 OLD EVENT - On Monday the Staten Island Children's Museum at 1000 Richmond Terrace, located on the grounds of the Snug Harbor Cultural Center, is hosting a storytelling session at 11 am and a musical performance at 3 pm, both of which are themed around the U.S. Presidents. The museum offers free admission on this holiday.
Art Exhibits & Cultural Institutions on Staten Island NYC - Things To Do over the Presidents Day Holiday Weekend
Click here to view some of the in-progress art exhibits on Staten Island over the Martin Luther King Day weekend.
UPDATE COMING THIS FRIDAY / WEEKEND. The Lighthouse Museum has a respository of photos and artifacts of the maritime history of New York City. The museum is located a stone's throw from the St. George Ferry Terminal at 200 The Promenade at Lighthouse Point. Pre-pandemic, they were open Wednesday - Sunday from 11 am - 4 pm, but it's unclear whether they are open for anything beyond their special events as of this post. But you can see for yourself or call them at -
In the photo to your right shows the inside of the Lighthouse Museum near the St. George Ferry Terminal on Staten Island.
UPDATE COMING THIS FRIDAY / WEEKEND. The Staten Island Museum located in the Snug Harbor Cultural Center at 1000 Richmond Terrace in the Randall Manor neighborhood. There's an exhibit entitled Magicicada by Jennifer Angus which explores shapes inspired by the Staten Island Museum's cicada collection, which we are told is one of the largest in the world. Cicadas emerge from the ground in large numbers every 13 and 17 years. They cite E.O. Wilson's description of insects as "the little things that run the world". They are open Friday - Sunday from 11 am - 5 pm. Details and $8 tickets at
UPDATE COMING THIS FRIDAY / WEEKEND. The Alice Austen House at 2 Hylan Blvd doesn't have any exhibit dedicated to the holiday as, like many Staten Island cultural institutions, they are fairly modest in size and scope and the pandemic has set everyone back. The Alice Austen House remains closed for visitors UNLESS they book a tour Tuesdays - Fridays between 12 noon - 5 pm. They are closed both Sunday and Monday of Presidents Day Weekend. For details see -
UPDATE COMING THIS FRIDAY / WEEKEND. The Jacques Marchais Tibetan Museum at 338 Lighthouse Avenue NORMALLY is open from 1 pm to 5 pm over the weekend, and closed Monday. During part of the pandemic the Jacques Marchais Tibetan Museum was open Wednesday - Friday by appointment only and open Saturday and Sunday from 1 - 5 pm. At present they are temporarily closed including for Presidents Day / Weekend. For details see -
UPDATE COMING THIS FRIDAY / WEEKEND. The Garibaldi Meucci Museum is located at 420 Tompkins Avenue in the Rosebank neighborhood of Staten Island. The Garibaldi Meucci Museum is home of Garibaldi Meucci who was also an inventor of the telephone and who hosted Guiseppe Garibaldi who worked hard in the 1800's to unify Italy. The museum is open from 1 - 4 pm for tours Wednesday through Saturday and closed Sunday through Tuesday. On Saturday at 2 pm they're hosting a presentation of some illustrations of Dantes Inferno by Dr. Smodlaka [$10 / $5]. For details see -
UPDATE COMING THIS FRIDAY / WEEKEND. There's also the Staten Island Zoo is located at 614 Broadway in the Silver Lake neighborhood of Staten Island. They're open from 10 am - 4.45 pm daily via the Clove Road entrance. The indoor exhibits are also open. For details see -
Dance, Theater & Music on Staten Island NYC - Things To Do over the Presidents Day Weekend
Click here to view the Theatre section of the Staten Island Events Calendar to see what's doing this Presidents Day weekend in theater on Staten Island NYC.
UPDATE COMING THIS FRIDAY / WEEKEND. Snug Harbor Cultural Center at 1000 Richmond Terrace is open daily from 6 am - 9 pm [the grounds] including Presidents Day. While the grounds remain open to visitors, the individual cultural venues operate under different hours for in-person events. They have also done some online programming which is on their website. For details see -
UPDATE COMING THIS FRIDAY / WEEKEND. The St. George Theatre at 35 Hyatt Street in the St. George neighborhood doesn't have anything planned over the Presidents Day weekend as many Staten Island cultural institutions are fairly modest in size and scope - and the winter is the off season. Previously they offered a monthly movie series. They are hosting Vic DiBitetto, a stand up comedian, beginning at 8 pm on Saturday, 2/19/22 where tickets range from $39 - $69. CoVid requirements in place. For details see -
An example of an interesting Staten Island entertainment venue is shown in the photo to your right - the St George Theater on Staten Island NYC.
I will look into Staten Island CUNY and the St. John's University Extension and hope to have more to report some time in the future.
Staten Island Historic Sites, Historical Societies & Museums
Staten Island is home to two venerable historic sites - Historic Richmond Town and the Conference House.
UPDATE COMING THIS FRIDAY / WEEKEND. Historic Richmond Town dates back to the mid 1800's as well as into Colonial times. They are open every weekend, and their thrust is Colonial America. They are open Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 12 noon - 5 pm. This Saturday they are offering a paper marbling workshop and a tavern concert. For details see -
UPDATE COMING THIS FRIDAY / WEEKEND. The Conference House is where the Americans, led by Benjamin Franklin, met with the British in an effort to pursue a negotiated settlement regarding taxation and personal liberties to avert the American Revolutionary War. Thankfully, they were unsuccessful. Like Historic Richmond Town, the thrust of this institution is colonial America and this is the off season. The park is open daily and the Conference House is open from 12 noon - 4 pm Saturdays and Sundays. Admission $4 / $3. For details see -
The photo at right shows one of the rooms in the Conference House in the Tottenville neighborhood on the southern tip of Staten Island.
Presidents Day Weekend Shopping on Staten Island NYC
This is a great weekend to do a bit of shopping. Staten Island is a fun place to shop, especially over a long weekend weather. Click here to view our section about Staten Island shopping section.
The Staten Island Mall, along with the shopping available at the Staten Island Ferry Terminal are both good places to go shopping for regular items and gift items, respectively.
The photo at right was taken in the Staten Island Mall which is located in the Heartland Village / New Springville neighborhood in the Western section of Staten Island.
Presidents Day Weekend Dining on Staten Island NYC
Staten Island Restaurants for Valentines Day. We recommend you check out our suggestions for dining on Valentines Day at restaurants on Staten Island. This has been updated to reflect individual Staten Island restaurant changes due to the CoVid pandemic.
If you know where to look, the food in the Staten Island has always been good. The variety of restaurant choices is difficult to match anywhere, and if you look carefully, you can find good food at reasonable prices too.
Click here to view the Staten Island Restaurants NYC section of the site, which includes reviews of the restaurants we've selected to review. As of this writing, we've identified some of our old favorites, but haven't done the deep dive yet.
The photo to your right shows Coles Dockside restaurant in the Great Kills neighborhood of Staten Island. The Great Kills neighborhood is a popular boating and dining destination on Staten Island.
Click here to view our Staten Island New Years party restaurants and click here to view our Staten Island Halloween party restaurants as together these sections should help you find a number of appealing dining options.
Staten Island Presidents Day Things To Do - Presidents Day Events on Staten Island
You can visit the Staten Island theaters, performing arts centers & art museums, go shopping on Staten Island NYC, and eat out at one of the Staten Island restaurants.
Click here to obtain information about things to do Presidents Day Weekend on Staten Island. And our things to do / Staten Island events calendar is updated monthly with a couple dozen different Staten Island fun / cultural events.
Presidents Day Things To Do Brooklyn / Manhattan / Bronx / Queens
And if you feel the urge to visit another borough, here's a list of:
Click here for things to do on Staten Island NYC - TBD.
Staten Island Presidents Day Weekend - Links
Use the Following Links to Learn More About Events / Things To Do / Attractions on Staten Island NYC
- CLICK HERE to view a report on Staten Island Holiday Events / Holiday Things To Do & Staten Island Holiday Markets & Shopping.
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Click for Staten Island Farmers Markets NYC.
Click for Staten Island Things To Do Staten Island NYC / Arts & Culture / Real Estate & Business / Shopping / Banks & Loans & Mortgages / Restaurants.
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