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Staten Island Holiday Events & Things To Do - SI NYC

Dec 20, 2024 at 12:15 am by mikewood

staten island holiday events staten island holiday things to do staten island holiday events & things to do staten island nyc

Staten Island Holiday Events - Staten Island NYC

Christmas Tree Lightings, Hanukkah Menorah Lightings, & Kwanzaa Candle Lightings on Staten Island and Holiday Events & Things To Do NYC

staten island holiday events staten island holiday things to do staten island holiday markets staten island shopping nycDecember 20, 2024 / Staten Island Neighborhoods / Staten Island Holiday Events / Staten Island Things To Do / Staten Island Buzz NYC.


NOTE. We added an Update Log at the beginning of the listings, so it's easier for you to stay abreast of changes / updates / new additions.

Be sure to visit our Staten Island Holiday Markets page, as it contains related holiday events with a shopping element to them.

For links to holiday events and markets in all five boroughs of NYC scroll down to the bottom of this report.


How The Staten Island Holiday Events Page on this Page are Organized

These holiday events on Staten Island are first organized by their start dates, and then with greater detail as follows:



2. BY DATE - (not always as it depends on when the info comes in)

Watch carefully as some locales have multiple dates, and all dates for a given locale are shown at the time the venue is first listed.


4. Note STATEN ISLAND HOLIDAY MARKETS are published on a separate page - the links to which are posted at the bottom of this page, along with links to other boroughs.


Staten Island Holiday Lights, Christmas Tree Lightings, Hanukkah Menorah Lightings, Kwanzaa Candle Lightings Background

The holidays are a special time of the year. In ancient times there were harvest celebrations to give thanks and enjoy the bounty after a long growing and harvesting season aka a year of work.

And there were also winter solstice celebrations to commemorate the end of the darkening of the skies. Some cultures celebrate with a festival of lights, and in Christian cultures the holidays are marked with holiday lightings including tree lightings and candle lightings - as well as the celebration of giving through the most well known and most generous man in the world - Santa Claus.

Meanwhile, back on Staten Island we celebrate in a number of ways, which carry on some of these ancient traditions. The following provides the dates / times / locales and some details regarding many of the various Staten Island holiday celebrations and Staten Island holiday markets and shopping for folks to enjoy between now and the end of the year.

Click here to read our report about Staten Island Holiday Events / Holiday Things To Do SI NYC.



Staten Island Holiday Events, Christmas Tree Lightings, Menorah Lightings & Holiday Things To Do

Staten Island Christmas Tree Lightings, Staten Island Menorah Lightings Hanukkah, Staten Island Holiday Things To Do SI NYC

December 20, 2024 / Staten Island Neighborhoods / NYC Shopping / Staten Island Buzz NYC. Continued.

The following includes a number of Staten Island holiday markets & Staten Island holiday events including Staten Island Christmas tree lightings, Hanukkah menorah lightings and possibly Kwanzaa candle lightings.



We Update Weekly






Only Asterisked markets have been updated to 2024

Pay attention to the dates / year.







PLEASE NOTE. These brief Staten Island holiday events are in 2024 chronological order. For further details on times, locations and event descriptions, scroll down to the Staten Island geography / section noted at the end of each event.


November Holiday Events on Staten Island 2024

Note to Self - move the remaining holiday markets on this page to the holiday events page.

  • * New Dorp _ November 16, 2024 from 11 am to 5 pm - Staten Island Tech PTA Holiday Fair - They describe it as, "... arts, crafts, gifts, food & music ..." at 485 Clawson Street in the school cafeteria. For details see - INST - OR FB
  • * Princes Bay _ Saturday & Sunday, November 16 & 17, 2024 from 10 am to 7 pm Saturday and ending 5 pm Sunday - Christmas Wonderland & Food Truck Festival - at Our Lady Star of the Sea School at 5411 Amboy Road in Great Kills on Staten Island. They describe it as " ... clothing, jewelry and home decor ...[and from 12 noon to 4 pm] a visit from Santa [with] pictures from Santa available for purchase ...".
  • * Port Richmond _ November 24, 2024 from 8.30 - 10.30 am & 11 am - 1 pm - Breakfast with Santa & Elves - in the Cafeteria at Blessed Sacrament School at 830 Delafield in the Port Richmond neighborhood SI. Holiday events on Staten Island NYC. For details and $15 / person tickets [kids under age 2 free] see -
  • * Does not appear to be returning in 2024 _ Randall Manor _ Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays, November 30 to December 31, 2023 from 11 am to 9 pm - Eggers Winter Wonderland at the Snug Harbor Cultural Center in Randall Manor. North Staten Island.



December Holiday Events on Staten Island 2024

  • * Sundays, December 1, 8, 15 & 22, 2024 from 11 am to 2 pm - Holiday Sunday Brunch with Santa - at The Historic Old Bermuda Inn at 301 Veterans Road West in Rossville. South Staten Island. A two hour seating and kids are welcome as Santa will be there. For $45 / $30 [kids under age 10] see -
  • * Monday, December 2, 2024 from 5 - 7 pm - Victory Blvd Holiday Tree Lighting Event - at Quinlan and Victory Blvd in Castleton. There will be music, food, entertainment and Santa. Holiday things to do on North Staten Island NYC. For details see - FB - OR -
  • * Wednesday, December 3, 2024 from 6.30 to 8 pm - SI Borough President Vito Fossella's Christmas Tree Lighting - at Paulo's Peak along Manor Road south of the Pouch Camporee Field in the North of Staten Island. I obtained this information second hand so you can see details here -
  • * Thursday, December 5, 2024 from 6 to 10 pm - Christmas Tree Lighting at Monsignor Farrell at 2900 Amboy Road in Richmond. There will be music, hot chocolate, skating and Santa. Free holiday things to do on Central Staten Island NYC. For details and to rsvp see -
  • * Friday, December 6, 2024 beginning at 11.30 am - Holiday Golf Outing - National Lighthouse Museum Holiday Golf Outing - at Grand Oaks Country Club. Holiday events on Staten Island. For details see -
  • * Historic Richmond Town _ Friday, Saturday & Sunday, December 6, 7 & 8, 2024 from 4 to 5 on Friday and from 12 noon to 5 pm Saturday & Sunday - Christmas in Historic Richmond Town - at 441 Clarke Avenue on Staten Island. This holiday event includes a holiday market on Saturday & Sunday. The Friday tree lighting event is free and Saturday and Sunday days of events cost $10 / person with kids age 11 and under free. Central SI. For details see - - note the date / year at the end of the url - if they update it, the url won't work, so you might have to update the link year too
  • * St. George _ Saturday, December 7, 2024 beginning at 1 pm - Holiday Performances of A Christmas Carol - by Sundog Theatre Company - at Empire Outlets at 55 Richmond Terrace Level 3 in St. George. North Staten Island. For tickets and details see -
  • * Saturday, December 7, 2024 beginning at 2.30 pm, tree lighting at 5.15 pm and ending at 7 pm - Westerleigh Park Christmas Tree Lighting - at Westerleigh Park between Willard, Springfield, Maine and Neal Dow Avenues, by the merry-go-round. North SI. For details see -
  • * Saturday, December 7, 2024 beginning at 6.30 pm - Holiday Tree Lighting at Empire Outlets Mall - at 55 Richmond Terrace, in the center courtyard on level 3. North SI. For details see -
  • * Tottenville _ Saturday, December 7, 2024 from 12 noon to 3 pm - Unwrapping Yule Log Traditions - w/ Music & Treat / $5 - at The Historic Conference House at 7455 Hylan Blvd in Tottenville. South SI. For details see -
  • * Randall Manor _ Saturday & Sunday, December 7 & 8, 2024 from 11 am to 4 pm - Holiday Hop Holiday Market - at the Snug Harbor Cultural Center at 1000 Richmond Terrace in Randall Manor. Over 150 artisanal vendors offering arts, crafts, jewelry, clothing, food and music and so much more. North Staten Island. For details see -
  • * New Brighton _ Saturday, December 7, 2024 beginning at 7.30 pm - Holiday Concert - at Christ Church at 76 Franklin Avenue in New Brighton. The concert features the New York Concert Opera, soloists, special guests, the Christ Church Community Youth and Chancel Choirs, which will be followed by a champagne reception inside the church which has Tiffany windows. North Staten Island. For $45 / $40 tickets and details see - [?? or ??]
  • * Tottenville _ Sunday, December 8, 2024 from 11 am to 4 pm Holiday Market & at 4.30 pm the Grand Illumination - at The Historic Conference House at 7455 Hylan Blvd in Tottenville. South SI. For details see -
  • * Dongan Hills _ Wednesday, December 11, 2024 from 5 to 7 pm - Christmas Tree Lighting & Celebration - Richmond Road Holiday Event in Dongan Hills by Richmond Road Merchants Assn. East SI. For details see -
  • * St. George _ Friday, Saturday & Sunday, December 13 - 15, 2024 beginning at 7 pm Friday, and at 2 pm and 6 pm on Saturday & Sunday - 21st Annual Christmas Show - at the St. George Theatre on 35 Hyatt Street in Downtown SI. North Staten Island. For $18 - $56 tickets and details see -
  • * Tottenville _ Saturday, December 14, 2024 from 12 noon to 3 pm - Conference House Holiday Splendor Tour. For rsvp / $5 suggested donation and details see -
  • * Charleston _ Saturday, December 14, 2024 beginning at 10 am and 12 noon - Holiday Wreath Making Workshop - at the Clay Pit Ponds State Park Preserve Nature Interpretive Center at 2351 Veterans Road West in Charleston on South Staten Island. For details see -
  • * Shore Acres _ Saturday, December 14, 2024 from 12 noon to 3 pm - ‘Aura Photos' Day - at the Alice Austen House Museum at 2 Hylan Blvd in Shore Acres on the North Staten Island. For details and $20 tickets see -
  • * St. George _ Saturday & Sunday, December 14 & 15, 2024 beginning at 2 pm, 5 pm, & 2 pm respectively - Suessical Kids performed by the Spotlight Repertory Theatre - at Empire Outlets at 55 Richmond Terrace in St. George. North Staten Island. SOLD OUT - For $20 tickets and details -
  • * Richmond _ Monday & Tuesday, December 16 & 17, 2024 from 6.30 to 10 pm and from 6 to 10 pm respectively - Christmas Concert and Christmas Tree Lighting - at Monsignor Farrell High School at 2900 Amboy Road in Richmond on Central Staten Island. For details see -


  • * Mariners Harbor _ Sunday, December 22, 2024 from 1 to 5.30 pm - The Miracle of Christmas - at Fellowship Baptist Church at 3036 Richmond Terrace in Mariners Harbor on Staten Island. Cakes, pies, candy, thrift pantry clothes and music all free along with a buffet dinner. Free holiday dinners and events on SI in NYC. For details see -



  • * St. George _ Friday, December 20, 2024 beginning at 7 pm [doors open at 6 pm] - Universal Temple of the Arts & the 36th Staten Island Jazz Festival - at the St. George Theatre at 35 Hyatt Street in Downtown North Staten Island. For details and $36 tickets see -
  • * Saturday, December 21, 2024 from 3 to 6 pm - Holiday Tree Lighting and Celebration - at William H. Pouch Scout Camp at 1465 Manor Road on Staten Island. S'mores, crafts, games, snacks, drinks & Santa. East SI. For $10 tickets and details see -
  • * December 21 & 22, 2024 beginning at 2 pm & 5 pm both days - the Nutcracker by the Staten Island Ballet Dancers - at the Williamson Theater at the College of Staten Island at 2800 Victory Blvd in the North & West SI. Adjacent to Bullshead, Heartland Village and Manor Heights. For details and $65 / $75 tickets see -


  • * MULTIPLE WEEKS _ Rossville _ Sundays, December 1, 8, 15 & 22, 2024 from 11 am to 2 pm - Holiday Sunday Brunch with Santa - at The Historic Old Bermuda Inn at 301 Veterans Road West in Rossville. South Staten Island. A two hour seating and kids are welcome as Santa will be there. For $45 / $30 [kids under age 10] see -
  • * RECURRING _ New Springville / Heartland Village _ Daily, mid November - December 24, 2024 - Pictures with Santa & extended hours - at the Staten Island Mall at 2655 New Richmond Road in New Springville / Heartland Neighborhoods. West Staten Island. For $20 - $50 rsvp's and details see -


There are a couple of Staten Island holiday markets this weekend nyc.

Use this link to view them. And next week Staten Island holiday events nyc will also be showing up.


WORK IN PROGRESS. 12.20.24. We'll be updating every week until the end of the year.




  • * I don't see anything about a a fair, breakfast w/ santa nor a tree lighting for 2024 as of 11.29.24 _ Saturday, December 9, 2023 from 10 am - 4 pm - St. Nick's Fair at St Nicholas Christ Church in New Brighton. North Staten Island. You can monitor their website for updates -
    • Sunday, December 10, 2023 beginning at 12 noon - Breakfast with Santa at St Nicholas Christ Church in New Brighton. North Staten Island.
    • Sunday, December 10, 2023 beginning at 5 pm - Christmas Tree Lighting at St Nicholas Christ Church in New Brighton. North Staten Island.

Saturday & Sunday, December 16 & 17, 2023 from 4 pm to 8 pm and from 11 am to 3 pm, respectively - Holiday Markets by the Grace Foundation near Manor Heights. West Staten Island.


CLICK this link to view this and other current & upcoming Staten Island holiday markets & shops SI NYC.


I. North Shore Staten Island Holiday Events & Things To Do SI NYC

North of Hwy 278 and East of Hwy 440 / Dr. Martin Luther King Expwy on Staten Island NYC


Christmas Hanukkah Kwanzaa Market at the National Lighthouse Museum SI

Staten Island Holiday Markets & Shopping and SI Holiday Events NYC

1. Sunday, November 26, 2023 from 11 am to 4 pm - Holiday Market & Party

2. Friday, December 1, 2023 - Holiday Golf Outing

Description. 1. The Museum store is hosting a holiday shopping party with hot chocolate, refreshments and a visit from Santa. 2. A golf outing which we posted late on Friday 12/1/23.

Location. At 200 The Promenade in the St. George neighborhood on Staten Island near the St. George Ferry.


Holiday Market & Winter Wonderland at the Snug Harbor Cultural Center

Holiday Things to do & Holiday Events in Randall Manor at Snug Harbor NYC

Saturday, December 2, 2023 from 11 am to 4 pm - Holiday Hop Holiday Market

Description. There's a Holiday Market at the Snug Harbor Cultural Center with various units within the complex participating. Here's what they say about the market.

" ... Find that perfect holiday gift while supporting local artists and artisans. Vendors showcase handmade jewelry, artworks, ornaments, knitted and crocheted items, and more [Art Lab Bldg H] ... The event features handmade art, antiques, books, cards, jewelry, ornaments, photography, prints, scarves, soap, and more! Live holiday music at 2 pm [Noble Maritime Collection] ... Shop local at Cottage Row Curiosities, a community artisan market at Snug Harbor featuring over 40 Staten Island vendors–plus music, entertainment, food, Entertainment: MakerPark Radio’s DJ Kitty will be spinning a set of catchy, festive tunes. Pop-up performances throughout the day are presented by Staten Island School of Rock’s Christmas Choir, led by Janine Moises, Ariel Ubaldegaray, and Josh Limage, featuring the vocal talents of students Anna Mancino, Joseph Picioccio, Adrianna Frendowski, Delilah Cambiero, and Daria Kuzniatsova. Food and Drink:
Harbor Eats, Celebrate at Snug Harbor, and CHAP Winery
[Cottage Row, Newhouse Center for Contemporary Art in Buildings C&G and Carpenter’s Shop on Chapel Road] ... Work your way through a market full of delicious local and regional treats to give this holiday season. This delectable fair is filled with specialty items and artisanal goods expertly curated by Staten Island Advance Food Editor, Pamela Silvestri ..." Free admittance.

Location. At the Noble Martime Collection [collectibles], the Staten Island Museum [food and drink], the Newhouse Center for Contemporary Art, the Carpenter Shop, the Great Hall and Cottage Row Curiosities at the Snug Harbor Cultural Center at 1000 Richmond Terrace in the Randall Manor neighborhood on the north shore of Staten Island.


Holiday Events at Snug Harbor on Staten Island - Winter Wonderland SI NYC

Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays, November 30 to December 31, 2023 from 11 am to 9 pm

Description. There's an interactive exhibit entitled Eggers Winter Wonderland. They describe the event as follows: " ... This festive experience allows groups to reserve an igloo for a one-hour session, where they can enjoy a beverage of their choice (homemade hot cocoa is a fan favorite), ice cream, assorted treats, letters to Santa ... reservation fee includes an additional 30 minute trip to the North Pole where guests receive a printed group photo with Santa (If they desire), a holiday Christmas cookie, and the opportunity for kids to make a craft. During selected weekends, a special snowy princess will be making appearances ...". Rsvp $25 / $20 tickets at url below. Holiday events & holiday things to do on Staten Island.

Location. At Cottage Row at Snug Harbor Cultural Center at 1000 Richmond Terrace in the Randall Manor neighborhood on the north shore of Staten Island.

Contact / Tickets.

Victory Blvd Holiday Event in Castleton on Staten Island

Tuesday, November 28, 2023 from 5 - 7 pm

Description. There will be caroling, a tree lighting, entertainment, hot chocolate and Santa will be there. A Staten Island holiday event organized by Victory Blvd Merchants Association in the Castleton Corners neighborhood of SI.

Location. At the corner of Victory and Wescott Blvds in the Castleton Corners neighborhood of SI.

Contact. / FB -

Alice Austen House Holiday Market in Shore Acres Near Rosebank on Staten Island

staten island halloween parties staten island halloween restaurants staten island kids halloween parties staten island nycSaturday, December 9, 2023 from 12 noon to 4 pm

Description. There's a photo shoot whereby you can get 'Aura Photos'. They describe the event as follows: " ... Holiday Aura Photos Saturday. Pose alone or with family to create a unique holiday card this year. $20 Aura photo. Registration not required ...". Holiday markets, holiday events and Christmas gift shopping in the Shore Acres neighborhood. 12/9/23 is a Free Admission Day.

Location. The Alice Austen House is located at 2 Hylan Blvd in the Shore Acres neighborhood of Staten Island.

Contact. / 718.816.4506.

Empire Outlets Holiday Events, Tree Lighting in St. George SI

Also see the holiday events page using the link at the top of this report.

staten island halloween parties staten island halloween restaurants staten island kids halloween parties staten island nycSaturday, December 2, 2023 from 7 to 8 pm - Holiday Tree Lighting

Description. There will be a tree lighting accompanied by a performance by the Wagner High School Theater and Vinnie Medugno. There will be refreshments for purchase and Santa will be there for photos. Free.

Location. In the center court on Level 3 at Empire Outlets Mall which is adjacent to the Staten Island Ferry in the St. George neighborhood of Staten Island.



1. Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday, December 7, 8, 9 & 10, 2023 beginning at 7 pm Thurs & Fri and at 2 pm and 5 pm Sat & Sun - Holiday Performances of Elf by Spotlight Theatre Company

2. Friday, Saturday & Sunday, December 15, 16 & 17, 2023 beginning at 7 pm, 3 & 7 pm, & 3 pm respectively - The Nutcracker performed by the Spotlight Repertory Theatre

Description. 1. Performances of Elf by the Spotlight Theatre Company. Tickets $20. 2. The Nutcracker. Tickets $25 / $20. Holiday events / holiday things to do / holiday theater on Staten Island.

Location. Empire Outlets Mall at 55 Richmond Terrace, adjacent to the Staten Island Ferry, in St. George. North Staten Island.




OLD _ NOTE DATE / YEAR _ Saturday, December 3 & 4, 2022 from 11 am to 7 pm - Holiday Market

Description. There will be a market entitled Created for You Artists Market open on Level 2 next to Badass Bootcamp. Free admittance.

SI Borough President Vito Fossella's Christmas Tree Lighting on Staten Island

Thursday, November 30, 2023 from 6.30 to 8 pm

Description. There will a Christmas Tree lighting organized by the Staten Island Borough President's office. There will be an appearance by "... Miss Staten Island's Outstanding Teen, Madison Burkhart, Miss Richmond County's Outstanding Teen, Joann Lee, the P.S. 29 Chorus, and MCDC Miss Cheryl's Dance Company, Frankie the Staten Island Ferry Hawk and a visit by Santa. A Staten Island holiday event in the St. George neighborhood.

Location. At Borough Hall in the Borough Hall Plaza at 10 Richmond Terrace in the St. George neighborhood on Staten Island.

Contact. / FB - / Tel 718.816.2000

Westerleigh Park Christmas Tree Lighting - Holiday Event & Holiday Market SI NYC

1. Friday & Saturday, December 1 & 2, 2023 - from 5 to 9 pm and 10 am to 3 pm respectively - Christmas Tree Sale

2. Saturday, December 2, 2023 beginning at 3 pm and tree lighting at 5.15 pm

Description. 1. At the Immanuel Union Church Parking Lot at 693 Jewett Street - a tree sales by the Boy Scouts Troop 2. 2. Westerleigh Park Christmas Tree Lighting.

Location. 1. Immanuel Union Church Parking Lot at 693 Jewett Street. 2. Three local bands perform and an appearance by Santa. In Westerleigh Park at Willard Avenue & Woodbridge Place in the Westerleigh neighborhood of Staten Island.

Contact. FB -

Holiday Events & Things to do in Downtown Staten Island NYC

St. George Theatre 20th Annual Christmas Show & the Staten Island Jazz Festival

Friday, Saturday & Sunday, December 8, 9 & 10, 2023 beginning at 7 pm Friday, and at 2 pm and 6 pm on Saturday & Sunday - 20th Annual Christmas Show

Description. The 20th Annual Christmas Show is a fundraiser for the theater. The show is an all-volunteer cast of 100 people performing song and dance routines centered around a grandmother telling a tale that weaves local Staten Island places in with other places around the world. Tickets are $55 / $45 / $35 / $25 / $15. The $35 ticket is Sunday night only.


Universal Temple of the Arts - Staten Island Jazz Festival

Friday, December 15, 2023 beginning at 7 pm [doors open at 6 pm]

Description. The 35th Anniversary of Staten Island’s longest-running jazz festival, presented by Universal Temple of the Arts. Multiple talented jazz musicians perform and hosted by a WBGO personality. Tickets $44 / $52.

Location. The historic St. George Theatre is located at 35 Hyatt Street - only steps away from the ferry terminal in St. George.

Contact. | Tel - 718.442.2900 xt 1

St Nicholas Christ Church Holiday Fair & Christmas Pageant in New Brighton on Staten Island

Saturday, December 2, 2023 beginning at 7.30 pm - Holiday Concert from Beethoven to Berlin

Description. A New York Concert Opera Christmas which includes a champagne reception and buffet. Tickets $45 / $40.


Saturday, December 9, 2023 from 10 am - 4 pm - St. Nick's Fair

Description. The St. Nick’s Fair at Christ Church New Brighton offers holiday shopping and tours of the stained glass windows. There will be multiple vendors, books, attic treasures, cakes, pastries, raffles.


1. Sunday, December 10, 2023 beginning at 12 noon - Breakfast with Santa

2. Sunday, December 10, 2023 beginning at 5 pm - Christmas Tree Lighting

Description. 1. Get your picture taken with Santa, before, during or after breakfast. Tickets $12.

2. Tree lightings of five trees facing Fillmore and five trees facing Franklin at Christ Church SI.


Location. Located at 76 Franklin Avenue just south of Fillmore Street in the New Brighton neighborhood on Staten Island.

Contact. FB - | | Tel. 718.727.6100 | email

I don't see anything for 2023


* Tappan Park Christmas Tree Lighting

OLD _ NOTE DATE / YEAR _ Saturday, December 10, 2022 from 3 - 6 pm - Tree lighting and Santa / Toy Giveaway

Description. Tappan Park Christmas Tree Lighting and toy giveaway. Also pictures with Santa. Free.

Location. In Tappan Park on Bay Street in the Stapleton neighborhood of Staten Island.

Contact. Organized by the Van Duzer Civic Association of Stapleton.

In 2023 This Event Moved to the Queens County Farm in NYC


Winter Lantern Festival at Yankee Stadium on Staten Island

OLD _ NOTE DATE / YEAR _ October 2022 - January 1, 2023 - Over the Holiday open daily from 5 pm - 9.30 pm

Description. There's a Winter Lantern Festival. A light show. Tickets are $18 / $29 at

Location. At Richmond County Bank Ballpark [the stadium] at 75 Richmond Terrace on Staten Island.



II. East Shore Staten Island Holiday Events & Things To Do SI NYC

North of Great Kills, East of LaTourette Park and South of Hwy 278 on Staten Island NYC


Monsignor Farrell Christmas Fair, Tree Lighting & Concert in Richmond on SI

1. Thursday, November 30, 2023 from 6 to 10 pm - Christmas Tree Lighting - Free

2. Sunday, December 3, 2023 from 9.30 am - 4.30 pm - Christmas Fair - $3 Individual / $5 Family of 4 - Entry Fee

3. Saturday, December 9, 2023 from 7 to 9 pm - Christmas Concert

Description. 1. The Christmas tree lighting is a community oriented event. 2. The holiday fair is a fundraiser for the school and inclusive of the Richmond neighborhood and all of Staten Island. The fair includes jewelry, clothing, toys, crafts, ornaments and more by local and specialty vendors. 3. A holiday concert - not much context provided on their website. Holiday events, holiday markets and holiday things to do in the Richmond neighborhood of Staten Island.

Location. At Monsignor Farrell High School at 2900 Amboy Rd in the Richmond neighborhood on Staten Island. The fair has been held in both the gym and the parking lot during the pandemic.

Contact. / 718.987.2900 /

Richmond Road Holiday Event in Dongan Hills

Staten Island Christmas Tree Lighting & Holiday Event in by Richmond Road Merchants Assn in Dongan Hills near Midland Beach SI

Thursday, December 7, 2023 from 5 to 7 pm - Christmas Tree Lighting & Celebration

Description. The annual holiday event organized by the Richmond Road Merchants Association includes a visit by Santa, a petting zoo, a marching band, rides and free giveaways, and a Christmas tree lighting.

Location. This year the event is along New Dorp Lane between 9th Street and New Dorp Plaza.
Last year it was located in the parking lot at 1630 Richmond Road [near Casale Jewelers] in the Dongan Hills near Midland Beach neighborhood on Staten Island.

Contact. / FB - / Tel 718.477.1400 xt 828

Historic Richmond Town Holiday Events, Candlelit Tours & Colonial Shopping on Staten Island

Christmas in Historic Richmond Town - See the Craftspeople Make Things the Old Fashioned Way & Shop

Saturday, December 2, 2023 beginning at 5 pm - Christmas Tree Lighting

Description. A traditional Christmas tree lighting accompanied by the choir of the Church of St. Andrew. Free.

Location. On the main campus in Historic Richmond Town at 441 Clarke Avenue. Holiday events in Historic Richmond Town on Staten Island.

Contact. / Tel. 718.351.1611


Saturdays & Sundays, December 2 & 3 and 9 & 10, 2023 from 12 noon to 5 pm - Christmas in Historic Richmond Town

Description. This is a see how things are made in the 19th century, wherein you can also buy some of the items they make or made, or similar such items. They describe the event as follows: " ... guests can enjoy living history demonstrations, shopping for gifts, crafts, and commemorative items from the tinsmith, carpenter, and general store; an old-fashioned horse drawn carriage, a visit from Santa and his helpers, hot and tasty local eats, and MUCH more that will bring on the jolly feel of the holiday spirit ... ". Tickets are $15 / $10 and kids age 11 and under are free.


Historic Richmond Town Holiday Candlelit Tours

Saturday & Sunday, December 16 & 17, 2023 - departing every 20 minutes from 5 to 8.20 pm

Description. The one hour long candlelit tours will take you through an 1860's household preparing for Christmas, another preparing for Hanukkah, the General Store, the Tavern, the Courthouse and an English / Dutch household all going through their holiday routines in the mid 19th century on Staten Island. Holiday events on Staten Island. Tickets are $35 / $30 / kids age 5 and under are free.

Use link at the top of the page to see our Staten Island Holiday Markets page for their Holiday Crafts & Shopping days.

Location. Meet at the 3rd County Courthouse on the main campus in Historic Richmond Town at 441 Clarke Avenue. Holiday events in Historic Richmond Town on Staten Island.

Contact. / Tel. 718.351.1611

William H. Pouch Scout Camp Tree Lighting on Staten Island

Saturday, December 9, 2023 from 3 to 6 pm - Holiday Tree Lighting and Celebration

Description. Arts, crafts, carnival games, photos with Santa, campfire with S'mores. The tree lighting is at 6 pm. Admission $15 / youth and adults with youths are free.

Location. 1465 Manor Road in northeast / central Staten Island.



III. South Staten Island Holiday Events & Things To Do SI NYC

Charleston, Rossville, Arden Heights, Eltingville & South on Staten Island NYC


The Historic Conference House - Outdoor Holiday Market SI NYC

& Grand Illumination Lighting Event in Tottenville on Staten Island

1. Saturday, December 2, 2023 from 12 noon to 2 pm - Unwrapping Yule Log Traditions w/ Music & Treat / $5

2. Sunday, December 3, 2023 from 11 am to 4 pm Outdoor Holiday Market & at 4.30 pm the Grand Illumination

Description. 2. There's the Conference House outdoor holiday market followed by the Grand Illumination at 4.30 pm at the Historic Conference House in the park by the same name. There will be holiday lanterns, cider and cookies and an open fire pit.

Location. This Historic Conference House is nearby at 298 Satterlee Street [at 7455 Hylan Blvd] in the Tottenville neighborhood on Staten Island. The Historic Conference House Park building is located at 70 Saterlee Street.

Tickets / Contact. Admission $20 / family or $5 per child / / Tel. 718.984.6046

Holiday Sunday Brunch with Santa in Rossville on Staten Island

The Historic Old Bermuda Inn Hosts a Holiday Brunch Event with Santa

1. Sundays, December 3, 10 & 17, 2023 from 11 am to 1 pm

2. Saturday, December 23,2023 beginning at 10.30 am and 2 pm - Brunch or Lunch at Santa's Annual Christmas Party

Description. 1. There's a Holiday / Sunday Brunch with Santa at the Historic Old Bermuda Inn. The brunch includes a buffet, but not alcohol. Rsvp required and tickets are $42 adults / $28 for kids age 10 and under - not including tax, 20% gratuity and 3% credit card fee.

2. Santa's Annual Christmas Party Brunch or Lunch. Rsvp required and tickets are $55 adults / $30 for kids age 10 and under - not including tax, 20% gratuity and 3% credit card fee. Deposit required. Holiday brunch and holiday things to do in the Rossville neighborhood of SI NYC.

Location. The Historic Old Bermuda Inn is located at 301 Veterans Road West in the Rossville neighborhood on Staten Island NYC.

Contact. | Tel. 718.948.7600

Holiday Wreath Workshop at the Clay Pit Ponds Visitors Center on Staten Island

Holiday Events & Holiday Things to do in the Charleston Neighborhood SI NYC

Saturday, December 9, 2023 beginning at 11 am and 1 pm - Holiday Wreath Making Workshop

Description. There will be a Holiday Wreath Workshop. Adults / teens only. Rsvp required via the web or at 718-605-3970 x201. This year it's Free. In prior years tickets cost $15.

Location. The Clay Pit Ponds Visitors Center at 2351 Veterans Rd West and at 83 Nielsen Avenue in the Charleston neighborhood of Staten Island. Both entrances are on Sharrotts Road between Arthur Kill Road and the West Shore Expressway.

Contact. | | Tel 718.967.1976


IV. West Staten Island Holiday Events & Things To Do SI NYC

North of Fresh Kills & La Tourette Park & west of Hwy 440 when north of Hwy 278


Holiday Markets by the Grace Foundation near Manor Heights Neighborhood on SI

Saturday & Sunday, December 16 & 17, 2023 from 4 pm to 8 pm and from 11 am to 3 pm, respectively

Description. A holiday market with about 50 vendors selling arts & crafts and more. Holiday markets and events in the Manor Heights neighborhood. Free admission. Organized by the Grace Foundation.

Location. At Colony Hall in the Sea View Farm Colony at 460 Brielle Avenue in the Manor Heights neighborhood of Staten Island.

Contact. |

Holiday Nutcracker Performances at the College of Staten Island NYC

Saturday & Sunday, December 16 & 17, 2023 beginning at 2 pm and 5 pm each day

Description. Performance of the classical ballet, the Nutcracker, by the Staten Island Ballet Dancers. Tickets are $50 / $75. Holiday events & holiday things to do on Staten Island NYC.

Location. In the Williamson Theater at the College of Staten Island in the Willow Park / Bullshead neighborhoods on Staten Island.

Contact. | Tel 718.980.0500 |

Holiday Events - Staten Island Mall in New Springville / Heartland Neighborhoods SI

Sunday, mid November - December 24, 2023 - Pictures with Santa

Description. Santa will be available for photos at the Staten Island Mall. Staten Island holiday events and holiday things to do in the Springfield neighborhood of SI NYC. Walk ups welcome, but they encourage an rsvp for packages that range from $20 to $50.

Location. Staten Island Mall at 2655 Richmond Avenue in the New Springville neighborhood of Staten Island.

Contact. | Tel 718.761.6800

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